du prieuré aux comtes

du prieuré aux comtes Pekinois


CH. utopian Dynamite roll (finlande)

mâle Pekinois né le 08/04/2013

Une touche de sang neuf, mais pas trop...quelques chiens dont nous souhaitions les origines...un corps cob, près du sol, des narines bien ouvertes sans un nez de cochon...Martti est le chien que nous cherchions...Merci Heli pour cette opportunité!

A touch of fresh blood, but not too much...some dogs in the pedigree whose we wanted the lines...a coby body, law to the ground, opened nostrils without a piggy's nose...Martti is the dog we searched...thank's Heli for this opportunity!

Informations sur CH. utopian Dynamite roll (finlande)

Sexe Mâle
Puce 2...........;
Inscrit au LOF ? Finlande
Statut Retraité

Les parents

Palmares de CH. utopian Dynamite roll (finlande)

Finland Pekingese Club Specialty Kuopio 22.3.2014
Judge: Carol Greenway, kennel Taihang, UK .
Junior class winners, 1st + CC & BEST MALE 2 /Tampere inter.Show 04.0.2014, BEST YOUNG, CC winner, BEST MALE 4, judge W.Paquette/Evreux national show 30.05 2014, BEST JUNIOR, BOB (judge Mr.Sallet) & BOG (Mr Cabon)!!!/French championship 08.06.2014; BEST YOUNG & BOB (Mr Condo)!!!/14.07.2014, national show Maltot, CACS & BOB judge Mrs Larive/Turku International Show 24.01.2015 Exc 1 open classBest Male-2 with CC and res-cacib which will turn into cacib/01/02/2015, group 9 speciality, Finland: CC and BOB/BEST MALE 4 finnish speciality 21/02/2015 judge S.Kirby (kennel Dratsum)/TALLIN (Estonia) 29.05.2015,Exc 1 open class BEST MALE 2, judge: Ron Besoff (Australia)/ESTONIAN WINNER SHOW 31.05.2015,EXc 1 open class, RCACIB, BEST MALE 2, judge Diane Besoff/finnish toy speciality, 30/08/2015, CAc, BOS, CHAMPION OF FINLAnd,judge:Markku Kipinä/