du prieuré aux comtes

du prieuré aux comtes Pekinois


CH. I'm so crazy du prieuré aux comtes

mâle Pekinois né le 01/01/2011

Informations sur CH. I'm so crazy du prieuré aux comtes

Sexe Mâle
Couleur co-owners H.KEKKI & S.LESKINEN vit en Filande
Puce 2...................
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Palmares dtitrese CH. I'm so crazy du prieuré aux comtes



Autres titres

finnish speciality Kuopio 21/02/2015 judge S.Kirby (kennel Dratsum) intermediate class, CC BEST OF BREED/Lahti inter show.22/03/2015,intermediate class CC BEST male 4/Turku inter.Show, 29/03/2015, intermediae class, QC, CAC, RCACIB, BM2/Swedish winner 2015, 05/04/2015, EXC 1 CQ BM5 RCAC./Vaasa International Show, 11.04.2015, Finland: BOB CAC CACIB judge Louis Pinto Teixeira, Portugal/Ladies Kennel Club Show in Helsinki, 12.04.2015 BM CAC. BOB judge Hans Almgren, Sweden/Tampere inter.show, Finland,02/05/2015, EXC 1 CAC, RCACIB, BM 3, judge Torsten Lemmer/CAC, CACIB BOS Helsinki 23/05/2015/GROUP 9 SPECIALITY SHOW / TALLIN (Estonia) 29.05.2015
EXC 1 inter.class, CQ, CAC, BEST MALE, BEST OF BREED judge: Ron Besoff (Australia)/ESTONIAN WINNER INTER.SHOW 31.05.2015, EXC 1 inter.class, CQ, judge Diane Besoff/At Riihimäki all breed show (Finland 06.06.2015) EXC1 inter.class, CQ BM CAC BOS, judge Kostadin Shankov/ EXC1 CQ BM2 RCAC at the Tuusula Summer Show. 05.07.2015, judge David Guy, UK./EXC 2 inter. class,CQ BM4 Laukaa 11.07.201, judge Paul Lawless (totally out of coat/en grosse mue)/Oulu International show 12.07.2015, BOB with Cacib and CC/Kemi International Show, Finland, 18.07.2015 EXC 1, CAC, CACIB & BOB, judge Tibor Havelka, Slovakia/Ylivieska International Show 19.07.2015,EXC1 CQ BM2 CAC CACIB.judge Malgorzata Supronowicz/EXC1 CQ BM3 CAC RCACIB Mikkeli International show.judge Leni Finne, Finland/Helsinki Eukanuba International show 26.07.2015,EXc1 open class BM-2 with RCAC & CACIB judge Doris Cozart,USA/Joensuu Int.show 08.08.2015,EXC 1, CQ, BM2, CAC & RC ACIB,Judge.Saija Juutilainen.FIN/group 9 show in Tallinn, 22.08.2015,EXC 1, CAC, CQ, BEST MALE & BOS, judge M.Petersen/ Baltic Winner show (Tallinn)23.08.2015: CAC, CACIB & BOS, Baltic winner/ Finnish Toydog Speciality 30.08.2015, RCAC, BEST MALE 2,Markku Kipinä/international show in Eckerö, Åland 27.09.2015, BM2 RCACIB RCAC, judge Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari, Finland/national show Valmiera (Latvia) 10.10.2014, CAC, BOS, judge N.Jovanovic/national show Valmiera, day 11.10.2015, CAC, BOS, judge Zorica Salijevic/
Rakvere (Estonia) all breed show 17.10.2015
CAC & BOB and he became champion of Estonia & Finland.judge Nikolay Sedykh, Russia./Rakvere 18.10.20155, CAC & BOB, judge Nataly Sedykh/open clas winner, RCAC, RCACIB, BM 2 SEINAJOKI 25.10.2015 judge Inga Still/